Our last trip with everyone was to
Neuschwanstein Castle. We had been there before, but it's so beautiful we took everyone back. This time it was much more crowded unfortunately, but still fun.

Bretzels with CC!! I think someone took Jack's he does not look happy!

It got a little chilly and of course I was not prepared. I had to spend a little money on sweatshirts. OK more like a years worth of college tuition, but I bought them big so they will fit for a while!!

By this point I'm pretty sure Michelle wanted to beat Jack's little butt!

Kids start whining, just buy more food!

Kids whine more, just buy beer...
More whining..my liver is probably failing and it is all the kids fault. When will they learn?

OK, this little turd. He fell asleep in my arms right before the tour of the castle started and slept the whole way through. I know this will come as a surprise, but there are no elevators in castles. I had to climb about 100 stairs carrying dead weight. At the end he woke up, probably because my sweat was
dripping on him.

Walking down the hill. We took the bus up, but we walked down.

Neuschwanstein view from the bridge.

Britt, and mom decided to climb down to the waterfall. The kids wanted to go, but I didn't so good
ol Britt and mom took them while Michelle and I made fun of

Good job helping my kids! This is parenting at it's best!

Michelle and I getting pics while the rest of the crew was scaling the
treacherous rock wall to get to the bottom of the waterfall

See this is why we stayed up top. Who would have captured this photo?? We're not lazy, we were thinking of everyone else!

a lot for the help mom!
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