Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Return of the Independant wiper?
We were there...the time when all three kids could go to the bathroom by themselves. No more yelling "mom, wipe me" until the dreaded day came...missing the wipe completely and leaving heavy "tracks" in the SpongeBob underwear. No one likes that, but for a 4 year old it's devastating and puts you back months. So ever since that day I have been a potty slave. Every time he says he has to use the bathroom I secretly pray that it's only number 1. In my mind I'm chanting "come on buddy, just hold it in til dad gets home...only 6 more hours". And then it happened. Jack informed me of his travel plans to the bathroom and asked me (just as does every time) where I will be and would I be willing to come when he calls. He begins his journey and I go about my day. Time passes and there is no yelp. I head to the stairs and yell up, "Jack do you need help?". And I swear to you I heard the sounds of angels singing when he yelled down, "no I got it under control". Just as fast as the angels started in they stopped when in the same breath Jack said (while flushing the toilet), "but mom is this too much paper?" We'll get there someday!
fun at the castle
Our last trip with everyone was to Neuschwanstein Castle. We had been there before, but it's so beautiful we took everyone back. This time it was much more crowded unfortunately, but still fun.
Bretzels with CC!! I think someone took Jack's he does not look happy!
It got a little chilly and of course I was not prepared. I had to spend a little money on sweatshirts. OK more like a years worth of college tuition, but I bought them big so they will fit for a while!!
By this point I'm pretty sure Michelle wanted to beat Jack's little butt!
Kids start whining, just buy more food!

Kids whine more, just buy beer...mmmmm

More whining..my liver is probably failing and it is all the kids fault. When will they learn?

OK, this little turd. He fell asleep in my arms right before the tour of the castle started and slept the whole way through. I know this will come as a surprise, but there are no elevators in castles. I had to climb about 100 stairs carrying dead weight. At the end he woke up, probably because my sweat was dripping on him.
Walking down the hill. We took the bus up, but we walked down.
Kids whine more, just buy beer...mmmmm
More whining..my liver is probably failing and it is all the kids fault. When will they learn?
OK, this little turd. He fell asleep in my arms right before the tour of the castle started and slept the whole way through. I know this will come as a surprise, but there are no elevators in castles. I had to climb about 100 stairs carrying dead weight. At the end he woke up, probably because my sweat was dripping on him.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The stores at home need to take a serious lesson from this!!! This is the free babysitting at Gamerdinger. Gamerdinger is about 15 minutes from my house. It's about 5 floors and I would say it's got pretty much anything you need for your house. Unfortunately there are no clothes, but there are other stores. OK so you check your kids in and you have 2 free hours to shop in the store. Oh by the way, right outside the play area is a restaurant that of course sells beer!! God I love the Germans!
When I went to pick the kids up, they begged me to stay and brought out the art projects they made while playing.
Gamerdinger isn't the only place to offer free babysitting. The mall here also offers it as well as IKEA!!!
Kids are starting to drive me nuts...I think I 'll go to the mall! What I don't spend on a babysitter I'll make up for in the mall!!
When I went to pick the kids up, they begged me to stay and brought out the art projects they made while playing.
Gamerdinger isn't the only place to offer free babysitting. The mall here also offers it as well as IKEA!!!
Kids are starting to drive me nuts...I think I 'll go to the mall! What I don't spend on a babysitter I'll make up for in the mall!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Early mornings with CC
We are lucky enough to have our town surrounded with fields that have paths that go forever. Here is a picture of the fields, but you can't really see the paths.
CC was up early every morning while here. I still don't understand how that was possible because she was 9 hours behind our time here, but regardless the woman was up first every morning. One morning Molly wanted to go ride in the fields, so CC offered to go with her, and that was it. Molly was hooked. From then on Molly made CC promise her to wake her in the morning so she could go for a ride with CC. The two of them made the morning complete with a ride and then a stop at Sehne (the bakery) to bring fresh goodies home to all of us lazy people.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Triberg is a small town in the black forest. It is surrounded by the Bavarian Alps and the views are amazing.
We finally got our taste of "official" Black Forest cake and it was delicious! It was surprisingly light. German pastries are not as heavy as American pastries and not as sugary either. Very good and very easy to polish the whole thing off yourself.
On the edge of the town there are hiking paths and waterfalls that we did not get to, but will try to go back to before we leave.
We finally got our taste of "official" Black Forest cake and it was delicious! It was surprisingly light. German pastries are not as heavy as American pastries and not as sugary either. Very good and very easy to polish the whole thing off yourself.
On the edge of the town there are hiking paths and waterfalls that we did not get to, but will try to go back to before we leave.
Double Date night
Our last night in Prague mom bought tickets for a Czech show for me, Molly, Gracie and herself. Britt and Michelle were invited, but they were lazy fools and couldn't hack it...soooo they got to go out with Jack.
I told Michelle and Britt the secret to getting decent behavior out of the boy of which included sushi!!! Jack loves sushi and would do anything for it (we don't get it a lot over here). Before we left for the show I handed Jack some money and told him to treat my sisters well and take them out for a beer. When out at dinner he insisted on buying the beers for them...what a gentlemen, I was hoping to get the money back!!!
On our way to the show the city center was setting up the big screens for the World Cup finals! It was amazing! The girls wanted to stay but were much more excited to see the show so we walked on.
The show had amazing dancing. It was very different from what I am used to, but the kids loved it and it was definitely worth the trip.
On the way back to the hotel we walked through the city center. At the time the score was still 0-0 so we hung out for awhile but quickly realized it was much more of an adult atmosphere. Very cool to walk through though.
I told Michelle and Britt the secret to getting decent behavior out of the boy of which included sushi!!! Jack loves sushi and would do anything for it (we don't get it a lot over here). Before we left for the show I handed Jack some money and told him to treat my sisters well and take them out for a beer. When out at dinner he insisted on buying the beers for them...what a gentlemen, I was hoping to get the money back!!!
On our way to the show the city center was setting up the big screens for the World Cup finals! It was amazing! The girls wanted to stay but were much more excited to see the show so we walked on.
The show had amazing dancing. It was very different from what I am used to, but the kids loved it and it was definitely worth the trip.
On the way back to the hotel we walked through the city center. At the time the score was still 0-0 so we hung out for awhile but quickly realized it was much more of an adult atmosphere. Very cool to walk through though.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
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