On the ride to Salzburg I was trying to be the good mom filling the kids in on the history they were about to experience. I mean really what 8, 6, and 4 year old wouldn't want to hear about Mozart, WWII, the Von Trapps..that's good stuff. So on the way we pass a McDonalds. That god forsaken place is all over here, but we try to avoid even seeing it. Jack sees it and freaks out..."mom, dad, look McDonalds..I want to go there". So to get him to pipe down we tell him, "OK Jack on the way home" (with no intent of course). So he says to me with his hand pointed out like Bill Clinton in a speech about Monica Lewinsky, "OK, can we do Salzburg quick, because I want to get to McDonalds"
We headed into Old Town to the Alter Market to do some shopping first. We missed getting our beer stein in Garmisch because all the shops were closed early on Sat. and we were not going to make that mistake again!!! The kids did not have the same desire so we had to drag them through the streets and buy them something to keep them on the stake out with us. Mission accomplished! We passed by a sushi place while walking through the market. Jack has not had sushi since we got to Germany and has requested it several times. It's hard to find near us, so as a special surprise we stopped into an Austrian sushi place (Nagano)...it was GREAT, and Jack was thrilled. Sushi grosses out the other two so Gracie had Miso soup and Molly (surprise, surpise) had water! But no one whined!
We chilled at the hotel that night and Sunday morning Gracie was dying to go swimming so at 8:30 the family was in the pool. It was cold, but Gracie was the first in and the last out. In the picture she is "enjoying a nice swim on Sunday". After getting out and toweling out she says to me, "mom, it's always nice to get a good swim in on Sunday morning". Where does she get it?
Mistakes are bound to happen in a foreign country right...Ok remember that before calling DCFS on us for the next part: We stop to get some chocolate in the Alter Market. Jack and I get caramel filled, Molly chocolate only and Gracie picks out the "pink one" (strawberry). As soon as we step outside Jack and I are diggin' on our chocolate, Molly wants to save it (yea, she doesn't get that from me) and Gracie tries hers. She bits in and there is a liquid in the middle...yep liquor! Immediately she's afraid of what she has just ingested and begins to gag..I wonder if she'll do the same thing when she's 16? OOPS! Gave the 6 year old alcohol. Later we get some ice cream on the street. Jack and Gracie get delicious strawberry, and Molly picks vanilla. All three were amazing, but Molly's had a little kick to it. We glance at the sign again and it says "vanille bourbon" Ohhhh..we didn't tell her. Learned from the first mistake. She ate the whole thing, we just didn't let her drive us home. At lunch that day we ordered from the kids menu for all three. Molly had steak (ok normal), Gracie had chicken wings and pasta (doin' good) and Jack had crepes. Now we assumed that the crepes were like German pfannkuchen (pancakes filled with cheese, veggies, or sauce)..Not so much. His came with a side of ice cream, filled with a sweet cream, topped with caramel. Gracie was pissed! So we gave two of our kids alcohol, and the other a very healthy lunch. Not bad for one day!
We visited Mozarts house (literally where he was born). It was very interesting. Even the kids liked it. The picture of the old room was their kitchen. It was amazing to see. They even had his first violin, letters he wrote to his kids and wife, music he wrote, paintings of the family, the actual room he was born in labeled..incredible. There is a pic of the girls leaning out the window looking at a church. That is in Mozart's house looking out at that amazing building
We did a small Von Trapp journey. It was hard to do the whole tour because it was 4 hours long. The pic of the cemetary was the cemetary the Von Trapps escape through at the end of the movie. The movie was actually filmed on a set that was built to look like that cemetary. I would love to go back and do the full tour in the summer when more is green. Learned alot about the family though. Very interesting.
Church was the Salzburg Cathedral. Mass was just getting out as we got there. Jack freaked out and did not want to go in for fear that we were really "going to church". We've raised a good catholic family!!! Inside was unbelievable.
And last but not least...Michael pays homeage to a beautiful sight. I think there were tears in his eyes if you look closely..
Love you all...no trip next weekend, Michael has to work throught the weekend...booo!!!!
hey those kids have to start sometime! great trip guys! and i'm sure the 'hills were alive' when mikey found the pub! prost!