As the girls and I were picking Jack up from school today one of the other parents asked me if we were returning at 2:00 for the show today. Although I received 4 letters from the school and 2 emails during the past two weeks, I just never got around to interpreting them so I had no idea there was a show. Against Jack's wishes Molly and I decided we would return for the show.
The show was cute. Jack's teacher spoke at the beginning and a parent I had never met asked me if I understood her. I smiled and said, "not a word, that's why I'm recording it". She laughed and explained we were going to go around in a circle and introduce ourselves but I could use English because everyone there will understand. I started to prepare my introduction in my mind in German and I have to admit, it was darn good. When my turn came I introduced myself as Jack's mom, introduced the girls and explained that we speak a very little amount of German, but we all want to speak as much as possible. All the moms smiled, and I felt pretty good about my travel outside my American comfort zone of using English whenever was possible. That is until my lovely 6 year old leaned over to me and said, "mom, that didn't sound too good" Oh thanks honey, while you're at it, why don't you tell me how fat my butt looks today and that you can see the zit I'm trying to cover up on my chin. Sweet girl.
After the show we were invited upstairs for snacks and time for the kids to play. Jack showed us where he eats snack everyday and what the correct routine entails. Jack and I sat for a snack and the girls went off to play, and then I see him. My nemesis. He sits next to us with a huge piece of watermelon and smirks at me as if to say, "You ready for round 2?". So I point to the watermelon (wanting to start small) and I say, "vassa melin". He points and corrects me and says, "vassa melON". OK, so I repeat, "vassa melON". His mother turns and corrects me, "vassa melONA". I look at the kid and the little punk smirked. That turkey was intentionally misleading me (of course this is my interpretation as I am convinced all little German kids are out to get me). So his mom tells him to speak English and he starts counting. He got to 15, but ya know what...he skipped 11. I wanted to correct him, out of the competition we have, but I don't' t think his mom would have liked that. He not as smart as he thinks...Until next time you little punk...I'll be ready for your childish games. Bring it on!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
While on Mainau Island this past weekend the family sat down German style for a snack. German style meaning everyone shares tables with other families. At our table were two ladies waiting for their husbands to bring the beer (good men). Our family sat down and started talking about the day. When the men returned they all started having a jolly 'ol time. One thing led to another and the man sitting next to Gracie started speaking to her in German. She looked at him they way she always does when she has no idea what is being said to her. So trying to avoid the man being totally insulted, I tried to pick up as much as I could.
I pick up small parts of what he's saying, but he finds himself so funny that he is laughing while speaking German, eating and drinking a beer which is making it even harder for me. I am trying to focus so hard on what he's saying that perspiration starts to bead up on my forehead and soon I realize my family has given up and left me. Finally, I am able to tell him where we live, where we are from and all that introductory stuff. They hear United States and the only English they use the whole time is "oh you from New York?!" Not to disappoint I say "Yup!" Because really at this point I have no idea where I am technically from. I keep hearing him say Osterriech over and over. I've heard this many times but damn if I can place it. Finally it occurs to me Osterreich is AUSTRIA. They are from Austria.
And so this leads me to the question...why the hell do we confuse ourselves even more by changing countries' names??? Osterreich (Austria), Deutschland (Germany), Schweiz (Switzerland), Belgien (Belgium)...If that is the name the country picks for themselves why do different countries change it? I'd be pissed if someone started calling me Mary just because that is their translation for Sage. How hard is it to say Sage?
Now let's dive even deeper. Here in Europe on the license plates they put a letter in the corner to signify where the car is registered. OK, good idea. Deutschland gets a D, makes sense, Osterreich gets an "A". Why the hell does Osterreich get an "A"? It's like they are not fully committed to their name. Then there is my favorite, Schweiz, they get a "CH" WHAT????
Now when you go shopping in Osterreich the shirts say Austria instead of the name they have given themselves. I'm beginning to think that Osterreich has a complex about the name they have chosen for themselves. My theory is they think Austria is a better name for them and they can't change it at this point, so they are just going to try to phase "Osterreich" out. Soon people will start saying they are from the country formerly known as Osterreich (kind of like the artist formerly known as Prince did).
But I will not give in. To me it is Osterreich, Deutschland, Schweiz and Belgien, because if I'm not going to answer to the name Mary then I have to be totally committed to the cause.
I pick up small parts of what he's saying, but he finds himself so funny that he is laughing while speaking German, eating and drinking a beer which is making it even harder for me. I am trying to focus so hard on what he's saying that perspiration starts to bead up on my forehead and soon I realize my family has given up and left me. Finally, I am able to tell him where we live, where we are from and all that introductory stuff. They hear United States and the only English they use the whole time is "oh you from New York?!" Not to disappoint I say "Yup!" Because really at this point I have no idea where I am technically from. I keep hearing him say Osterriech over and over. I've heard this many times but damn if I can place it. Finally it occurs to me Osterreich is AUSTRIA. They are from Austria.
And so this leads me to the question...why the hell do we confuse ourselves even more by changing countries' names??? Osterreich (Austria), Deutschland (Germany), Schweiz (Switzerland), Belgien (Belgium)...If that is the name the country picks for themselves why do different countries change it? I'd be pissed if someone started calling me Mary just because that is their translation for Sage. How hard is it to say Sage?
Now let's dive even deeper. Here in Europe on the license plates they put a letter in the corner to signify where the car is registered. OK, good idea. Deutschland gets a D, makes sense, Osterreich gets an "A". Why the hell does Osterreich get an "A"? It's like they are not fully committed to their name. Then there is my favorite, Schweiz, they get a "CH" WHAT????
Now when you go shopping in Osterreich the shirts say Austria instead of the name they have given themselves. I'm beginning to think that Osterreich has a complex about the name they have chosen for themselves. My theory is they think Austria is a better name for them and they can't change it at this point, so they are just going to try to phase "Osterreich" out. Soon people will start saying they are from the country formerly known as Osterreich (kind of like the artist formerly known as Prince did).
But I will not give in. To me it is Osterreich, Deutschland, Schweiz and Belgien, because if I'm not going to answer to the name Mary then I have to be totally committed to the cause.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Gracie's paradise
Konstanz, Germany (Mainau Island)
It has to be some sort of record. We are on day three of sunshine here in the Deutschland and lovin' every minute of it! We took advantage and drove to Lake Konstanz, Germany.
Mainau Island (in Konstanz, Germany) is surrounded by Lake Konstanz. The lake is surrounded by Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. To be totally honest, I'm not sure what countries we were in that day. I know we started off and ended up in Germany:)
The Island was incredible. It has a butterfly house (Gracie's favorite aka schmetterlingshaus), a petting farm, Italian Rose Garden, biergartens, hiking paths, herb gardens, an incredible playground, and more.
Jack is down here asking me to write a note to post above his bed to remind him not to crawl out the window...dear lord help me to just kiss the boy and send him on his way.
So, back to Mainau Island...Gracie was in paradise in the schmetterlingshaus. We prayed for a butterfly to land on Gracie but no such luck. She was so patient and loved seeing the different types of butterflies. Jack, Molly and I liked it for awhile, but got hot and wanted to leave. Luckily Michael is a super father and stayed in the hot house with our animal lover.
It was a beautiful day, the kids loved every minute of it and we willl go again as soon as we can!!! Visitors are coming soon! The girls last day of school is June17th, Nana, Uncle Mark and Aunt Amanda come on June 18th...then to Italy!!

It has to be some sort of record. We are on day three of sunshine here in the Deutschland and lovin' every minute of it! We took advantage and drove to Lake Konstanz, Germany.
Mainau Island (in Konstanz, Germany) is surrounded by Lake Konstanz. The lake is surrounded by Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. To be totally honest, I'm not sure what countries we were in that day. I know we started off and ended up in Germany:)
The Island was incredible. It has a butterfly house (Gracie's favorite aka schmetterlingshaus), a petting farm, Italian Rose Garden, biergartens, hiking paths, herb gardens, an incredible playground, and more.
Jack is down here asking me to write a note to post above his bed to remind him not to crawl out the window...dear lord help me to just kiss the boy and send him on his way.
So, back to Mainau Island...Gracie was in paradise in the schmetterlingshaus. We prayed for a butterfly to land on Gracie but no such luck. She was so patient and loved seeing the different types of butterflies. Jack, Molly and I liked it for awhile, but got hot and wanted to leave. Luckily Michael is a super father and stayed in the hot house with our animal lover.
It was a beautiful day, the kids loved every minute of it and we willl go again as soon as we can!!! Visitors are coming soon! The girls last day of school is June17th, Nana, Uncle Mark and Aunt Amanda come on June 18th...then to Italy!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A First for the WHOLE family!
As of June 1st Michael was promoted to Commander. Now usually I would not post these pictures or even write about it, but it stood out above all the other promotions thanks to the kids.
His ceremony would be at his office with people from his office. I had no idea what people would wear so I decided to be safe and shower that day. The last time Michael was promoted he was on the ship on deployment so I wasn't around. As Gracie will attest to (because she counted as they entered the room) there were about 25 people there.
Let me start off at the beginning of the day. It was a Tuesday so the girls and Michael left for school. I dressed the girls in what they would wear to the ceremony because it would take place right after school. Jack is on vacation from school this week so we hung out. As it gets closer to the time to go I hand him his "dapper Dan" clothes. No such luck. I tried bribing with food, Euro, whatever it would take. But no, the boy had to wear well, what is basically his uniform. If you go back and count the number of times this boy is wearing this sweatsuit I'm willing to bet it would be at least 70% of the time. By now the sleeves are 3/4 sleeves and the pants are riding a little high. I have to tip toe into his room at night so I can sneak it out to clean it and at times hide it so I don't have to endure the pain of looking at it on him the next day. Anyone who knows me and my clothes requirements for my kids knows that THIS is killing me!
So he wins and wears the dreaded sweatsuit and requires an interesting accessory. He wants to wear his ski mask. It covers his whole head and most of his face except for his eyes. By this time I'm saying to myself, "fine in years to come when you look at these pictures and ask me why I will just laugh at you". By the grace of God I could not find the mask. So I have to hand it to the boy, instead of freaking out, he decided to make his own mask. I grab him paper and scissors and we jump in the car to get the girls.
Half way there I hear him say "uh oh". WHAT NOW?? He cut a hole in his pants with his scissors. Super, that's gonna look even better.
We pick up the girls and are walking over to the ceremony with Michael and of course, the boy wipes out. Dirt all over him. At this point I'm just praying to get there with three living children.
We take our place in the front of the room and wait for all to begin. As people are entering the room Gracie decides she's tired and plops down spread Eagle to take a little break. She insisted that Kanook (her stuffed German Shepherd) be at the ceremony with us (as seen in all the pictures).
Colonel Holt (Michael's boss) did the ceremony. He is a great guy. Definitely army (that is a compliment). I'm sure he is a boss that has very high expectations and is not happy when they are not met. However, he is the nicest guy to me and the kids.
Michael had a part for all of us to play. All of us pinned his new rank on somewhere (coat, shirt, hat...) While Gracie was doing her job Colonel Holt offered to hold Kanook.
After the ceremony we had a reception. Next door to ours was and O6 promotion. Ours was a little different. As you can tell by the pictures the kids made their own fun. Jack took his place at the keg to serve beers, Molly stacked the beer cups and all three played horse with Jack.
As always it was fun to watch the kids. They started to play hide and seek under the tables so we decided playtime was over and headed home. As we passed the O6 promotion I peaked in. There was no cup pyramid, kids playing horse or hide & seek and no chicken nuggets. They might have had a band, a huge spread of food and real glasses for their drinks, but we had entertainment that couldn't be beat!!
By the way...zoom in on Jack's face in the first two pictures!!

His ceremony would be at his office with people from his office. I had no idea what people would wear so I decided to be safe and shower that day. The last time Michael was promoted he was on the ship on deployment so I wasn't around. As Gracie will attest to (because she counted as they entered the room) there were about 25 people there.
Let me start off at the beginning of the day. It was a Tuesday so the girls and Michael left for school. I dressed the girls in what they would wear to the ceremony because it would take place right after school. Jack is on vacation from school this week so we hung out. As it gets closer to the time to go I hand him his "dapper Dan" clothes. No such luck. I tried bribing with food, Euro, whatever it would take. But no, the boy had to wear well, what is basically his uniform. If you go back and count the number of times this boy is wearing this sweatsuit I'm willing to bet it would be at least 70% of the time. By now the sleeves are 3/4 sleeves and the pants are riding a little high. I have to tip toe into his room at night so I can sneak it out to clean it and at times hide it so I don't have to endure the pain of looking at it on him the next day. Anyone who knows me and my clothes requirements for my kids knows that THIS is killing me!
So he wins and wears the dreaded sweatsuit and requires an interesting accessory. He wants to wear his ski mask. It covers his whole head and most of his face except for his eyes. By this time I'm saying to myself, "fine in years to come when you look at these pictures and ask me why I will just laugh at you". By the grace of God I could not find the mask. So I have to hand it to the boy, instead of freaking out, he decided to make his own mask. I grab him paper and scissors and we jump in the car to get the girls.
Half way there I hear him say "uh oh". WHAT NOW?? He cut a hole in his pants with his scissors. Super, that's gonna look even better.
We pick up the girls and are walking over to the ceremony with Michael and of course, the boy wipes out. Dirt all over him. At this point I'm just praying to get there with three living children.
We take our place in the front of the room and wait for all to begin. As people are entering the room Gracie decides she's tired and plops down spread Eagle to take a little break. She insisted that Kanook (her stuffed German Shepherd) be at the ceremony with us (as seen in all the pictures).
Colonel Holt (Michael's boss) did the ceremony. He is a great guy. Definitely army (that is a compliment). I'm sure he is a boss that has very high expectations and is not happy when they are not met. However, he is the nicest guy to me and the kids.
Michael had a part for all of us to play. All of us pinned his new rank on somewhere (coat, shirt, hat...) While Gracie was doing her job Colonel Holt offered to hold Kanook.
After the ceremony we had a reception. Next door to ours was and O6 promotion. Ours was a little different. As you can tell by the pictures the kids made their own fun. Jack took his place at the keg to serve beers, Molly stacked the beer cups and all three played horse with Jack.
As always it was fun to watch the kids. They started to play hide and seek under the tables so we decided playtime was over and headed home. As we passed the O6 promotion I peaked in. There was no cup pyramid, kids playing horse or hide & seek and no chicken nuggets. They might have had a band, a huge spread of food and real glasses for their drinks, but we had entertainment that couldn't be beat!!
By the way...zoom in on Jack's face in the first two pictures!!

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