The weekend started off with an 8 am soccer game on Saturday morning. When the alarm went off Michael and I both looked at
each other and questioned the idiot who plans soccer games or any movement for that matter at 8am on a Saturday!!! But it was good. We packed the car and headed to the soccer game with every intention of heading to Munich immediately after the game.
When we got to the hotel in Munich, much to Gracie's dismay, the room was not ready yet. Honestly, the child wanted to go up to the room and chill. Munich, Germany whatever, what's on TV??? God love her.
We headed to the shopping district via train which thank god was acceptable to Gracie. Now here is where I felt like a member of the
Clampit family...Jack wants to take the escalator, but it's not moving so I assume it's broken...No, no, Sage...that is not the way of the Germans. Some guy walks past us to the escalator and as he goes to step starts. So the
hillbillies are ecstatic about this (obviously, because I took a picture). But wait it gets goes both ways. If someone wants to come up you get a "do not enter" sign on top until the other people have cleared. I know some of you have probably seen that, but me and the kids were amazed. We could have stayed there and watched it all day!
As we enter the shopping district there are stores right and left that sell
leiderhosen and
dirndl. So we duck in a shop just to check it out for the kids with no intention of buying anything...yeah that didn't work. Jack and Gracie insisted on wearing their new German duds out of the shop. The salesladies were awesome to the kids and helped with sizes as well as little things such as pockets for Jack and which side the skirt bow should be tied on (the left).
We pass by a church with a sign of what is not allowed. No smoking (OK), no eating (OK), no cell phones (sure), no hands in your pockets (what???), no hats (I can do that). Hmmmm, any reaon you can think of why I can't put my hands in my pockets in church, please let me know:)
By this time there is still no sun. We have not seen the sun in over 2 weeks. Honestly, not even a
stinkin' peep. The kids are whining because they want to find a toy store and we're thinking "why do we even leave the house with them???"
And then everything changes...we decide to stop for some food and a little drink. We head to the
Ratskeller which is just below the
Rathaus (town hall, which is as ornate as a church...beautiful). My German teacher told me during May and only May there is a beer brewed called
Maibock. It's pretty strong, but good. It is only on draft. So we order 2
Maibocks. The waiter asks us what size and Michael orders a Liter. Of course not be outdone by my husband I too order a Liter. The waiter pulls a look at me as if to say "really, are you sure?" Now anyone who knows me knows that if someone gives me that look I will do that and more, I almost ordered two...dear god thank you that I didn't.
Maibock is like sunshine. First of all the beer is
soooo good. Second of all, that beer makes you love your kids more. With each sip things that had once annoyed about the kids were hilarious. All of the sudden they were the greatest kids in the world. I love
Maibock and I am sad to say the two of us may never see
each other again...It's May 23rd and it's only on tap until May 31st! I will miss my new friend.
As we are finishing our beers we start to notice some very rambunctious
gentlemen dressed in
Leiderhosen. As they pass us they start to sing the
Bayern Munchen song. Hello duh...we are in Munich and tonight is "the" game
Bayern Munchen vs. AC
Inter Milan. The game was in Madrid but you could equate the buzz to being in one of the cities of the teams playing in the Superbowl. It was crazy.
So we asked some of the gentlemen to get a picture and they said we'll take it with her...Now, I'm very shy and reserved, but I agreed. HELLO!!! (SEE PICTURE BELOW).
The most amazing thing happened after we left the
Ratskeller...the sun was out. It was as if
Maibock had given us a sense of humor about our crazy kids and the sun...what more can you ask for out of a beer? (By the way, yes it was strong...I was buzzed for the next 4 hours seriously).
We shop a little more and then decide to head back to the hotel. That night, after a wonderful Italian dinner (in which Molly had a 48 Euro steak...sure why not) we headed back to the room. The game was on and I tried my hardest to watch it. Much to my
embarrassment, my 8 year old lasted longer than me. According to Michael and Molly I was snoring. I think they're
lieing...there is no evidence. So dad and Molly stayed up for the game...Munich lost:(
We headed to the zoo the next day. On the way to the zoo the kids were whining because they're kids and Michael was upset because of the traffic and parking. I'm trying so hard to keep everything and everyone under control.
Dammit we will have a good day, the sun is out and we will all smile. So we find a parking place and start to get out of the car and it happens...the camera falls out of the car and a little
stinkin rock hits the center of the my lens and cracks it...$%#$%#$%^#. So every pic I took was a guess.
Highlights: Awesome park...huge!
Biergartens everywhere! Jack insisted on climbing the big thing I took a picture of with the slide, Molly was too freaked out to go down it, Jack made it! Well worth the time!!
Ok, I'm tired of typing and if you have not quit reading by now you should have. Go do something with your day will ya???
Berlin next weekend...