On our first part of the flight from Stuttgart to Atlanta Molly had a grumpy old man sit in front of her. Molly kept her backpack under the seat in front of her (just airline rules require...my daughter the rule follower) and at times had to pull the bag of tricks out to keep busy. Now mind you, this is an 8 hour flight. The grouch kept turning around and looking at her. Just as his mouth was about to open to say something to her, mama bear opened up some whoop a$##. His major complaint..she is really bumping into my chair a lot, my solution, put your recliner up or move...it's 8 hours deal with it! Probably not too nice, but I was tired and NOBODY messes with my kids. He didn't say a word the rest of the trip.
We were lucky enough to have a 5 hour layover in Atlanta. My sister, brother in law, niece and nephew were nice enough to come see us in the airport!!
The crew!
It was a great 9 months. Quick, but great! There are things we will miss (the beer, traveling, bretzels, German pastries, the beer, croissants, the beer, the language, the neighbors...) and things we won't miss (the lack of personal space, the incessant smoking, missing family...), but it is good to be home and we are so glad we had the opportunities we had.
The blogging is not over for me. Some time soon I will start up "Yet Another New Road". I have no idea what I'll write, but there is something always going on in our lives!!!